What Does Diesel Smoke Mean?

What Does Diesel Smoke Mean?

A diesel engine in good condition shouldn’t be producing visible smoke from the exhaust. When a diesel truck is accelerating under load, a short puff of smoke can be fine, especially in older diesel engines, but anything more than this can be cause for concern. Diesel smoke is almost always an indication that there is some sort of problem in your diesel engine. Some of these possible problems are more serious than others. The color of the diesel smoke can often help you know what the problem likely is, so you should always take note of it. Diesel smoke is usually either gray/blue, white, or black. Here are some of the most common causes of the different colors of diesel smoke as well as their solutions.

8 Signs of Diesel Engine Failure

8 Signs of Diesel Engine Failure

The diesel engine in your semi truck has to work hard when you are transporting heavy loads. This can really take a toll on your engine over the course of time, sometimes leading to diesel engine failure. In order to keep your truck running and on the road, you should keep your eye out for the signs of diesel engine failure. Knowing these signs ahead of time can help you avoid a catastrophic breakdown during a big transportation job.

7 Tips for Effective Fleet Management

7 Tips for Effective Fleet Management

Fleet management involves handling all fleet maintenance and performance so that fleet operations can run smoothly. The ultimate goal of fleet management is to increase fleet efficiency as much as possible while also reducing operational costs. Fleet managers must be able to strategically purchase and move vehicles, schedule maintenance and repair, and coordinate vehicle use, among other things. Because there are so many tasks that must be performed, fleet management can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you effectively manage your fleet.

Meet Michelle Mullins, CDS Administrative Assistant

Meet Michelle Mullins, CDS Administrative Assistant

Every workplace has a person (or persons) who helps keep things on track and makes sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. For Certified Diesel Solutions, that person is Michelle Mullins. Michelle is the administrative assistant for our automotive and diesel repair shop in Knoxville, TN. She’s been in administration and HR roles her entire career, and she is excited to work with the mechanics and technicians of our shop.

5 Tips of Starting a Cold Diesel Engine

5 Tips of Starting a Cold Diesel Engine

The weather is changing here in East Tennessee. As the temperatures drop, we must start thinking about how to take care of our diesel trucks in cold weather. Here are some tips on how you can make sure your diesel engine will start and run efficiently when the weather gets cold.
